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Sand Ridge Junior High - Upcoming student surveys

Sand Ridge Junior High - Upcoming student surveys
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Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Panorama survey window for Spring, 2024 will run from April 8 - April 19, 2024. At this time, we'd ask that you look over the upcoming surveys using the informed consent form. It explains why we complete these surveys and how the information can help support students in academics, behavior, school experience and overall well-being. I have included the full text of all questions students will answer during this process so parents will have transparency into the surveys.
Parents do have the opportunity to opt their child out of participation in the Panorama surveys. The opt-out forms can be submitted anytime from March 22 - March 29, 2024 in the main office of your school. The opt-out form is on page two of the informed consent document linked above. 
 Thank you!
Quinn Talbot
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