Check Out Procedures
Parents and Students,
I am hopeful that all of our Scorpion families are healthy and safe as we all navigate through this challenging time. As we have recently been notified, our schools will remain closed for the remainder of the school year, so it is necessary to move forward in the closing process.
This notification should answer many questions parents and students have about how that process will be managed. We have scheduled specific days for students, based on their last name, to come into the school and wrap up the school year. It is not necessary for parents to accompany students.
We will abide by the Governor's social distancing and “stay home; stay safe” directives by implementing appropriate protective measures at Sand Ridge. We encourage students and parents to help us in that effort throughout the checkout process. All students will have to stay 6’ apart from one another, and if at all possible, wear a mask.
Below is the schedule for students to checkout of school for the 2019-20 school year. The school will close at 1:00 pm every week day.
Date: 8:00-12:30 Daily |
8:00- 10:00 |
10:00 -12:00 |
Monday, May 4 |
A |
B |
Tuesday, May 5 |
C |
D |
Wednesday, May 6 |
E, F |
G |
Thursday, May 7 |
H, I |
J, K |
Friday, May 8 |
L |
M |
Monday, May 11 |
N,O |
P, Q |
Tuesday, May 12 |
R |
S |
Wednesday, May 13 |
T - V |
W |
Thursday, May 14 |
X - Z Instrument Return |
Instrument Return |
Friday, May 15 |
By Appointment |
801.476.5320 |
Monday, May 18 |
By Appointment |
801.476.5320 |
Tuesday, May 19 |
By Appointment |
801.476.5320 |
Wednesday, May 20 |
By Appointment |
801.476.5320 |
Thursday, May 21 |
By Appointment |
801.476.5320 |
Friday, May 22 - Last day of school |
By Appointment |
801.749.5320 |
On the appropriate scheduled day, students will:
School Lockers
- Clean out their lockers and place any textbooks, library books, or other items that belong to the school in appropriate boxes located in the commons area.
P.E. Lockers
- Clean out P.E. lockers; take home personal belongings.
- Clothing left in the locker rooms will be donated.
- Write combination on masking tape provided, apply to the lock, place in box provided.
- Empty Athletic-Team lockers (orange)
Art Lockers/Band Lockers
- Clean out art lockers.
- Take home personal materials/supplies/projects.
- Return locks that belong to the school.
Textbooks/Classroom Materials
- Return any textbooks/classroom materials that belong to the school on the day students are scheduled. Boxes will be placed in the commons area.
Library Books
- Please return any library books checked out during the school year
- Readers will not be charged any late fees for overdue books
- Please return any books checked out from English classroom libraries
- Office staff will be available for any students who would like to pay fees accrued before the school closure (lunch, sports, camps, unpaid registration fees).
- Students will keep Chromebooks throughout the summer.
- Students are encouraged to protect and care for their devices, and remember to avoid places where they can be damaged, keep devices charged, and abide by Weber School District’s Acceptable User Policy (AUP).
- More information will be given on how Chromebooks will be processed once students return to school. If students will not be attending Sand Ridge next year, they will need to return their devices by May 21.
- Chromebook repair assistance will still be available throughout the summer. Email Amy Fritschle
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance. - Please look on our website under Parents/Students for additional information about Chromebooks (Helpful Tips, Reset, updates.) Sand Ridge Scorpions
Other Information:
- Awards will be given to students on the day they are assigned to come into the building. If awards are not printed and available at that time, they will be mailed.
- Yearbooks have not arrived yet; however, students and parents will be notified when and how they will be distributed. Additional yearbooks have been purchased and will be available for students who did not preorder.
School Play
- The play has been cancelled until further notice. Mrs. Love is proud of all her students’ hard work; she will be in contact with them for any further plans.
- Borrowed Instruments should be returned no later than May 15th
Student Government Elections
- Students interested in running for Student Government will participate in the election process when all students return.
- Information about tryouts will be provided to students who participated in the initial tryout process before the soft closure..
Classroom Instruction
- Online instruction and learning assignments will not be posted after May 15th.
- May 22 is officially the last day of school. Grades for 4th quarter will be submitted.
- Administration/Office Staff will continue to be in the building throughout the summer.
Credit Recovery
- There will be a counselor in the office every week day to assist any students who are interested in signing up for credit recovery. (Any credit lost during the school year.)