School Play/Musical
Next Years Performance TBD
Auditions will be held: Monday, November 11th & Tuesday November 12th
Musical will be Performed last week of February and first week of March Exact Dates TBD.
SAVE your RECIEPT as it MUST be shown as your Ticket to get into the Show....ALL Showings start at 6:30!
To purchase tickets you can do one of the following:
Pay at the SRJH Main Office M-F 7am to 3pm (Cash or Card)
If you don't have a portal account Click Here
Log into PowerSchool Portal Click here (Scroll down and on the bottom left side menu and click on Purchases and Payments)
Purchase Tickets at the door the night of the show. (Cash or Card)
ALL Tickets $5 (5yrs old & younger are Free)
Concessions will be avaliable at each showing
See Mr. Austin in Room 232 or email
SAVE your RECIEPT as it MUST be shown as your Ticket to get into the Show!
Doors open at 6:00 with start time of 6:30