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Greetings Scorpion Families,


As the new Principal of Sand Ridge Junior High School, I am excited to get to know each and every student, as well as their parents/guardians.  I am new to Sand Ridge Junior High and filled with new possibilities for our students and faculty.


For those of you who do not know me, I have been with Weber School District for 18 years; 13 years working at the junior high level as an English teacher, and for the past 6 years at the high school level as a school administrator. I chose education as my career because I realized how important a good teacher could be to students.  A good teacher can instill a love for reading, ignite a student’s creativity, and instill character, ethics and a thirst for learning. It is the most important job in the world. 


Students are challenging, curious, mischievous, and, well, complicated.  They are trying to learn, trying to make friends, trying to figure out where they are in the world, and trying to grow up.  That’s a lot for one young student, but I can assure you, we are here to help!


I pledge to you that I,along with our faculty, will do everything in our power to energize, encourage, empower and assist your student in their development toward adulthood.  School teachers will, of course, teach them in the areas of reading, writing, history, math and science, but there is so much more! They will learn; lasting friendships, teamwork, collaboration, appropriate social interactions, character, team spirit, pride, as well as skills in band, orchestra, Physical Education, sewing, cooking, and many other skills--hopefully sparking interest and curiosity along the way.   


But we’ll need help.  Parents are our most important resource, for from you, they will learn respect for their teachers, respect for the learning process, discipline to achieve their goals, and a realization of how they fit into the world.  You are their models. You are the ones they want to be like. With that, we know that proper nutrition, good study habits, sufficient sleep and constant encouragement is a must. I know we can count on you and we want you to be able to count on us.


Our entire faculty join me in welcoming your student(s) and encourage your calls and/or participation in the education of your young ones.  As a team, we can be the catalyst to support your children in their journey. You have many means to keep track of their attendance, their grades, and their progress. A good start would be to make sure that you are signed up on the Parent Portal system (WSD Portal). Our staff would be happy to help any parents/guardians with this process. Also, please reach out to your student’s teacher if you have any concerns. 


We also invite parents/guardians to join us for sporting events, choir, band, and drama performances, Parent-Teacher Conferences, and all other functions provided for your child.  It is important your children see you involved in this very important stage of their lives.


Again, I am here to assist our community and our students in any way I can.  With that, let’s move forward and get these kids educated to be the bright, capable people we know they can be.  


Thank you,

Sherry Patton
