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Adjustment to the Long-Term Flexible Learning Option


Dear Parents,


We hope that this letter finds you and your family doing well during this ultra-challenging time. We commend you and your student(s) - our school staff is reporting that students continue to be excited to be in school and are complying with our “mask up” requirement, and we know that parents are a BIG reason for their cooperative spirit! We truly want to keep in-person learning opportunities available and extracurricular activities going! Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation.

Weber School District has been continuously evaluating both student needs, as well as our teachers’ capacity to meet those needs. It has become increasingly apparent that expecting teachers to teach students in person, as well as both short-term and long-term flexible learners, is unrealistic in many situations.  Even with the additional 45 minutes each day, this expectation is unsustainable. We are proud and extremely grateful for the tremendous efforts teachers have made on behalf of all students during an unprecedented time.


Adjustment to the Long-Term Flexible Learning Option: 

Working closely with the Weber County Commissioners, Superintendent Jeff Stephens articulated that one of Weber School District’s highest priorities is to provide critical support for teachers related to working with both in-person and long-term flexible learners. The commissioners recognized the teachers’ needs and redirected CARES funding that had been allocated to Weber County. This money has now been granted to Weber School District to assist our teachers. We are deeply appreciative of our county commissioners and their commitment to support the teachers and students in our district.

Beginning second quarter (November 2, 2020), we will be making an adjustment as it relates to our long-term flexible learners. Families who opt to have their students in the long-term flexible learning model will be assigned to Weber School District certified teachers in our Weber Online program. These instructors will be supporting your son or daughter via Weber Online coursework, on a quarter-by-quarter basis. We will continue to stay connected to you and your child in a number of ways so that if you should decide to have your child return to our school for in-person learning, the transition will be a smooth one. We believe that this adjustment will not only better serve our long-term flexible students, but it will also provide some much needed relief for our regular classroom teachers.  We want to emphasize that your son or daughter will be assigned to a certified Weber School District teacher. The Weber Online program will be directed by a principal who works solely with our long-term flexible students. Furthermore, with the help of this acquired funding, we are currently planning to expand our Weber Online program as well as add magnet courses to address long-term flexible learners, beginning second quarter. 

Most classroom teachers will only be responsible for in-person students and those who are out of school for a short period of time (short-term flexible learners), beginning second quarter (November 2, 2020). These short periods away from school would be in relation to at-home isolation for contracting Covid-19 or quarantine due to exposure to Covid-19. The details are still being defined as we consider and process the feedback we’ve received. More detailed information will be forthcoming. 

We greatly appreciate that everyone is working together to ensure that we are able to continue to provide flexible learning options for all students during a very difficult time. And, we applaud our parents and students’ efforts to adhere to mitigation of risk strategies (i.e., wearing masks/face coverings on school grounds, staying home when symptomatic, following school/classroom mitigation of risk plans) being implemented in our schools. Our goal is to keep our schools open and kids learning!  Thank you for your support of the teachers of Weber School District. Enjoy your Fall Break!


Sherry Patton