Class Selections for 2025-2026 School Year
PLEASE Register ONLINE in the student portal, but the below form may help with next years grade selections! You have until February 13th, 2025 to register!
Current 6th graders fill out the form for next year 7th grade classes, current 7th graders fill out the form for next year 8th grade classes & current 8th graders fill out the form for next year 9th grade classes. Any questions contact the counseling office at 801-476-5322.

7th Grade Elective Class Description
Art 1: This course focuses on the 7 elements of design: line, shape, value, form, texture, color, and space. Fee required.
Band/Beginning: Brass includes: Trumpet, French horn, Trombone, Baritone, and Tuba. Woodwinds include: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Oboe, and Bassoon. Students are introduced to basic-music reading skills and instruction. Instrument required. Purchase or rental of instruments is the parent’s responsibility. Fee required.
Band 1 - Percussion: Percussion includes: drums and rhythm instruments. Students are introduced to basic music reading skills and beginning instruction. Students will move to Beginning Band 2nd Semester. Percussion kits are required. Fee required.
College & Career Awareness: College and Career Awareness, offers exploration and preparation in college and career pathways focusing on jobs that are high skill and high demand, as well as satisfying and financially rewarding. The College and Career Awareness course is designed to help students identify their interests, abilities, and skills. With appropriate developmental information related to careers, educational pathways, and self-knowledge, students are able to begin to make college and career goals for the future. College and Career Awareness is designed to acquaint students with the Utah labor market and the employment opportunities for which they can prepare by defining a College and Career Ready Plan. Fee Required.
Chorus/Beginning: Open to male and female voices. Students will study how to sing in harmony and how to take care of the voice. Concert performance is required for each term. Fee required.
Creative Writing: Teaches the skills and strategies necessary to write creatively
Current Events: Students will discover and analyze current events through many different outlets such as newspapers, television, radio, and the internet. Many different current topics will be discussed, you will engage in conversations and debates related to the recent events in the news.
Drama 1: You will be introduced to drama skills and how the theater works. You will be performing pantomimes, monologs, children’s stories, TV commercials, improvs, and a final scene. Fee required.
Drama 2: Prerequisite Drama I. This course is a continuation of Drama I. You will have opportunities to perform pantomimes, monologs, write scenes, write children’s stories, creative drama, and improvs. Students will learn theater history. Fee required.
Gate 3D Modeling: Students will learn how to use 3D modeling software to introduce students to the design process that is almost every industry. Students will sketch their ideas on paper, create 3D models on the computer, 3D print physical models, and then make some of these designs in the shop with real materials. Some of the projects may include air powered dragsters, Roller Coaster Mania, and electric cars. Fee required.
Gate App Design: This class will show students every step of creating their own apps. They will learn the basics of app design and then use MIT App Inventor to create the apps. This is a free software that works on any web browser. Students will learn how to use some sensors on the devices and how to make real apps for android or apple devices. Students will learn the basic principles of computer science. Fee required
General PE: This course is designed for the schools which have multiple grades in a course of Physical Education to complete .5 credits of PE. Fee Required
Guitar/Beginning: Students are introduced to musical symbols, notes in first position and basic music reading skills. Basic care of guitar and tuning will also be covered. Students will experience different genres of music and learn about famous guitarists. Acoustic guitar required. Fee required.
Guitar/Intermediate: Students will learn basic chords and strumming patterns. They will continue to build basic skills with the left and right hand. Students will be introduced to ensemble playing. Guitar and fee required.
History Elective: This class will discuss issues involving historical films such as how filmmakers take ideas from history, how a film can “rewrite history” and how filmmakers shape a narrative. Students will understand how a message can be manipulated by different forms of media for a particular purpose.
Orchestra/Beginning: Students explore classical, bluegrass and jazz styles while learning to play the violin, viola, cello or bass. Instrument required. Instrument and fee required.
Piano I: This class is for those interested in learning how to play simple songs on the piano. Students will also learn the five elements of music: sound, harmony, rhythm, melody and form. Students should NOT have any piano experience for this class. Fee required.
Piano II: Intermediate piano class building on the skills taught in Piano I. Students will learn how to use the pedals on the piano, how to play songs outside of the 5 finger position, and work on songs of their choosing. Fee Required.
Reading for Enjoyment: any type of reading - fiction or non-fiction - that students engage with in their free time and of their own volition.
Spanish I: The emphasis of Spanish A is oral communication. Students will discuss and learn about Spanish speaking countries and their culture.
Yoga: Provides a look into traditional yogic practices while using a modern understanding of the body and mind to curate the healthiest body and mind possible for your unique self. Fee Required

8th Grade Elective Class Description
Art 1: This is a two-dimensional course that focuses on the 7 elements of design: line, shape, value, form, texture, color, and space. Fee required.
Art 2: Prerequisite Art 1. This is a two-dimensional course that focuses on the 7 Principles of Design: rhythm, contrast, unity, balance, movement, emphasis, and pattern. Fee required.
Band/Beginning: Brass includes: Trumpet, French horn, Trombone, Baritone, and Tuba. Woodwinds includes: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Oboe, and Bassoon. Students are introduced to basic music reading skills and instruction. Instrument required. Purchase or rental of instruments is the parent’s responsibility. Fee required.
Band/Intermediate: Prerequisite Beginning Band or competencies. Basic instrument knowledge and musical skills will be expanded on. Attendance at various performances is required. Instruments and fee required.
Beginning/Percussion: Percussion includes: drums and rhythm instruments. Students are introduced to basic music reading skills and beginning instruction. Students will move into the Beginning Band Class at the Semester. Percussion kits are required. Fee required.
Choir/Beginning: Open to male and female voices. Students will study how to sing in harmony and how to take care of the voice. Concert performance is required for each term. Fee required.
Choir/Intermediate: Open to male and female voices. Students will study how to sing in harmony and how to take care of the voice. Concert performance is required for each term. Fee required.
Choir/Advanced: Open to male and female voices by audition only. Students will study how to combine the female and male voices into a choral experience. Many concert performances may be required for each term. Fee required.
Creative Writing: Teaches the skills ands strategies necessary to write creatively
Current Events: Students will discover and analyze current events through many different outlets such as newspapers, television, radio, and the internet. Many different current topics will be discussed, you will engage in conversations and debates related to the recent events in the news.
Digital Literacy: This course is highly recommended to help students gain and improve computer skills in preparation for graduation required Digital Studies. Critical thinking, problem solving and productivity will be key as students explore computer and internet safety, conduct research and utilize search tools. Microsoft Office programs including word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation will be used. Students will create using digital media through photos, audio, speech and video. This class prepares students for our world’s digital lifestyle.
Drama 1: You will be introduced to communication skills and dramatic arts. You will have the opportunity to perform pantomime, improve, monologues, commercials, and a final scene. Fee required.
Drama 2: Prerequisite Drama I. This course is a continuation of Drama I. You will have opportunities to perform pantomimes, monologs, write scenes, children’s stories, creative drama, and improvs. Students will learn theater history. Fee required.
Drama 3: Prerequisite Drama I & II. Students will learn the concept of technical theater, costuming, makeup, scenery and other aspects of play production. Students will perform monologs, humorous readings, scenes, creative drama and improvs. Fee required.
1st half of year: monolog, pantomimes, theater makeup, scenes, fairy tales, theater masks, scenery construction and plays.
2nd half of year: humorous and dramatic readings, make scenery, write own monolog, creative drama, write plays and perform plays. May be taken for a full or half year.
FACS: This class is designed to prepare students for hands on experiences in the areas of: Interior Design, clothing Construction, Foods & Nutrition, Childcare, Family Relationships, Personal Responsibility Consumerism/Entrepreneurship and Career & job related tasks. Fee required.
Fine Art Dance: A beginning level dance course that builds dance knowledge and skill with a focus on dance as an art form. Fee required.
Gateway Architecture: This course uses an industry standard program (Autodesk Revit) to teach students how to 3D design houses. This class covers how houses are built, how to design a house, how to make a house more energy efficient, and gives students a great foundation for a career in Architecture, Interior Design, or constructions. Fee required.
Gate Robotics: Students will use VEX V5 Robotics equipment to build mechanisms, which are the building blocks of mechanical systems. Then they will use these mechanisms to build solutions to various solve problems. Students will also learn some basic programming to control their robots using VEXcode V5 which can be used on any device. Fee required
General P.E.:This course is designed for the schools which have multiple grades in a course of Physical Education to complete .5 credits of PE. Fee required.
Guitar/Beginning: Students are introduced to musical symbols, notes in first position and basic music reading skills. Basic care of guitar and tuning will also be covered. Students will experience different genres of music and learn about famous guitarists. Acoustic guitar and fee required.
Guitar/Intermediate: Students will learn basic chords and strumming patterns. They will continue to build basic skills with the left and right hand. Students will be introduced to ensemble playing. Acoustic guitar and fee required.
History Elective: This class will discuss issues involving historical films such as how filmmakers take ideas from history, how a film can “rewrite history” and how filmmakers shape a narrative. Students will understand how a message can be manipulated by different forms of media for a particular purpose.
PE Dance:ILA Dance classes may include ballet, technique, or other dance styles. Dance classes can help students develop their creativity, self-image, and physical fitness. Fee required.
Orchestra/Beginning: Students explore classical, bluegrass and jazz styles while learning to play the violin, viola, cello or bass. Instrument and fee required.
Orchestra/Advanced: Beginning Orchestra competencies are required. Field trips and festivals are planned to enhance the musical experience. Instrument and fee required.
Piano I: This class is for those interested in learning how to play simple songs on the piano. Students will also learn the five elements of music: sound, harmony, rhythm, melody and form. Students should NOT have any piano experience for this class. Fee required.
Piano II:. Intermediate piano class building on the skills taught in Piano I. Students will learn how to use the pedals on the piano, how to plays songs outside of the 5 finger position, and work on songs of their choosing. Fee required.
Reading for Enjoyment: any type of reading - fiction or non-fiction - that students engage with in their free time and of their own volition.
Spanish 1: The emphasis of Spanish I is oral communication. Students will discuss and learn about Spanish speaking countries and their culture.
Spanish 2: Prerequisite Spanish I: The emphasis is oral communication. This class is a continuation of Spanish I. Students will discuss and learn about Spanish speaking countries and their culture.
Yoga: Provides a look into traditional yogic practices while using a modern understanding of the body and mind to curate the healthiest body and mind possible for your unique self. Fee required.

9th Grade Elective Class Description
3D Design: This is a 3 dimensional course that explores the basic methods and materials used to create 3 dimensional works of art. There is an emphasis on studio production. This course is designed to develop higher level thinking skills. Fee required.
Art 1: This is a two-dimensional course that focuses on the 7 elements of design: line, shape, value, form, texture, color, and space. Commodity Fee required.
Art 2: Prerequisite JR Art 1. This is a two-dimensional course that focuses on the 7 Principles of Design: rhythm, contrast, unity, balance, movement, emphasis, and pattern. Fee required.
Art 3: Prerequisite JR Art 1 & Art 2. This is a two-dimensional course that builds upon the concepts covered in Art 1 and Art 2, with an emphasis on directed self-expression and self-motivation. Fee required.
Band/Beginning: Brass includes: Trumpet, French horn, Trombone, Baritone, and Tuba. Woodwinds includes: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Oboe, and Bassoon. Students are introduced to basic music reading skills and instruction. Instrument required. Purchase or rental of instruments is the parent’s responsibility. Fee required.
Band/Intermediate: Prerequisite Beginning Band or competencies. Basic instrument knowledge and musical skills will be expanded on. Attendance at various performances is required. Instruments required. Fee required.
Beginning/Percussion: Percussion includes: drums and rhythm instruments. Students are introduced to basic music reading skills and beginning instruction. Students will move into the Beginning Band Class at the Semester. Percussion kits are required. Fee required.
Band/Advanced: Students will be selected for this group by competency-based auditions. Musicianship and instrumental skills are expanded on. Instrument required. Instruments required. Fee required.
Business Office Specialist: This course applies advanced concepts and principles using Word Processing spreadsheets, databases and electronic presentation software. Students may have the opportunity to obtain a Microsoft Office Specialist Industry certification through Microsoft Certiport per District discretion. The certification is recognized worldwide as the best method for employers to validate computer proficiency. Students will integrate applications learned. The course builds on skills in Digital Literacy.
Choir/Beginning: Open to male and female voices. Students will study how to sing in harmony and how to take care of the voice. Concert performance is required for each term. Fee required.
Choir/Intermediate: Open to male and female voices. Students will study how to sing in harmony and how to take care of the voice. Concert performance is required for each term. Fee required.
Choir/Advanced: Open to male and female voices by audition only. Students will study how to combine the female and male voices into a choral experience. Many concert performances may be required for each term. Fee required.
Construction Tech: Provides students with an understanding of how construction impacts their lives using the five elements that include: Career opportunities, design measurements, tools and materials. Eye protection & fees required.
Creative Writing: Teaches the skills and strategies necessary to write creatively
Current Events: Students will discover and analyze current events through many different outlets such as newspapers, television, radio, and the internet. Many different current topics will be discussed, you will engage in conversations and debates related to the recent events in the news.
Dietetics & Nutrition: The art of cooking with smoke and fire. Fee required.
Digital Business Applications: Students will learn how to improve internet investigation skills and access business information. Students will explore freeware on the internet (IE. Open Office, Google Apps, Gimp) and learn how to use cloud computing to improve productivity. Students will explore social networking as a business tool, as well as E-books, “apps” and cell phone technology and its uses in business. Counts as Digital Studies Credit.
Drama I: You will be introduced to communication skills and dramatic arts. You will have the opportunity to perform pantomime, improve, monologues, commercials, and a final scene. Fee required.
Drama II: Prerequisite Drama I. This course is a continuation of Drama I. You will have opportunities to perform pantomimes, monologs, write scenes, children’s stories, creative drama, and improvs. Students will learn theater history. Fee required.
Drama III: Prerequisite Drama I & II. Students will learn the concept of technical theater, costuming, makeup, scenery and other aspects of play production. Students will perform monologs, humorous readings, scenes, creative drama and improvs. Fee required.
1st half of year: monolog, pantomimes, theater makeup, scenes, fairy tales, theater masks, scenery construction and plays.
2nd half of year: humorous and dramatic readings, make scenery, write own monolog, creative drama, write plays and perform plays. May be taken for a full or half year. Fee required.
Exploring Business & Marketing: Fundamental skills taught include basic business concepts, communication, human resources, entrepreneurship, accounting, finance, and leadership. Skills gained by researching, marketing business, preparing financial documents and playing the stock market.
Fine Arts Dance: a course of study that prepares students for careers in dance performance and choreography. Fee required.
Fit 4 LIfe: a program that focuses on physical fitness, wellness, and lifestyle changes. Fee required.
Food and Nutrition I: Students will learn the principles of nutrition and food preparation, care of food, meal management, creative cookery, and optimal use of the food dollar. Fee required.
Guitar/Beginning: Students are introduced to musical symbols, notes in first position and basic music reading skills. Basic care of guitar and tuning will also be covered. Students will experience different genres of music and learn about famous guitarists. Acoustic guitar and fee required.
Guitar/Intermediate: Students will learn basic chords and strumming patterns. They will continue to build basic skills with the left and right hand. Students will be introduced to ensemble playing. Acoustic guitar and fee required.
History Elective: This class will discuss issues involving historical films such as how filmmakers take ideas from history, how a film can “rewrite history” and how filmmakers shape a narrative. Students will understand how a message can be manipulated by different forms of media for a particular purpose.
Manufacturing Tech: A hands-on course that introduces students to changing raw materials into a finished product using wood and metals. This course will also explore the many careers associated with the manufacturing process. Eye protection & commodity fees required.
Orchestra/Beginning: Students explore classical, bluegrass and jazz styles while learning to play the violin, viola, cello or bass. Instrument and fee required.
Orchestra/Advanced: Beginning Orchestra competencies are required. Field trips and festivals are planned to enhance the musical experience. Instrument and fee required..
PE Athletic Conditioning: Emphasis on core strength and stability as the foundations for developing muscle endurance, aerobic and anaerobic fitness, and cardiovascular endurance.
PE Dance: introduces students to theory and techniques of dance movement therapy (DMT). Fee required.
Piano I: This class is for those interested in learning how to play simple songs on the piano. Students will also learn the five elements of music: sound, harmony, rhythm, melody and form. Students should NOT have any piano experience for this class. Fee required.
Piano II: Intermediate piano class building on the skills taught in Piano I. Students will learn how to use the pedals on the piano, how to play songs outside of the 5 finger position, and work on songs of their choosing. Fee required.
Project lead the way: Students will be exposed to a variety of STEM related fields using 3D Modeling software, 3D printers, Robotics, and laser engravers in this fun, project based, class. Fee required.
Release Time: This course covers religious class work. This course is not part of the public school program. No credit is given for this course.
Reading for Enjoyment: any type of reading - fiction or non-fiction - that students engage with in their free time and of their own volition.
Sewing Construction This class introduces the student to basic clothing constructions techniques, clothing care and maintenance. Students will have opportunities to sew a variety of articles. Fee required.
Spanish I: The emphasis of Spanish I is oral communication. Students will discuss and learn about Spanish speaking countries and their culture.
Spanish II: Prerequisite Spanish I: The emphasis is oral communication. This class is a continuation of Spanish I. Students will discuss and learn about Spanish speaking countries and their culture.
Spanish III: Prerequisite Spanish II. The emphasis of this course is oral communication and philosophy that is centered on reaching fluency.
TAP I: Learn more about yourself, how you learn and how human development influences learning. Explore careers in education including school counseling, teaching, media services, or other education professions. Learn about the past, present and future of education in the U.S.
Teen Wellness(Intro to behavioral health):An introduction to the behavioral health industry. Topics that will be introduced in this foundational level, course includes understanding, self-concept, effective communication, healthy relationships, addictive behaviors, mental health disorders, and protective laws plus goes over rights to patient and practitioners.
Yoga: Provides a look into traditional yogic practices while using a modern understanding of the body and mind to curate the healthiest body and mind possible for your unique self. Fee required.